This album can be roughly divided into 3 catagories. The first is the heavy on the guitar kind, high on shouting, low on impact. Obviously, these are the first to be removed from my playlist. Then there’s the upbeat, easy listening, happy sing-a-long kind of songs. Good enough for a resident stay on my playlist. And then, the most important one, the last catagory. The kind with deep lyrics, they’re very emotional, and sometimes even chilling to the bone (for instance Tuesday Morning). As mentioned earlier, these songs combine the best with her rough and deep yet silky voice. While the first single Breathe is the best song on this album, every single one of the last catagory are easily picked out and graded as good to very good. And also, luckily, it’s this last catagory that wins in numbers. These all deserve an instant spot on my vast array of portable music players. Combined with the second catagory, it’s not a perfect album, but probably one of the best this year.8+.