How Messy is my Desk Today ?

Rate 1 (FR#^&% MESS !) to 5 (how very tidy !). Only rate the latest picture, otherwise I can’t keep track of the average.

Total: 1276 out of 414 votes > Average is: 3.082

desk pic
Who knew ? “Mens erger je niet” changed its name to “Plaag me niet”.

4 Responses to “How Messy is my Desk Today ?”

  1. Qbix Says:

    playing real games instead of pc games is good!
    too bad it seems she wears her payama instead of proper clothes

    therefore a 4

  2. Mr T Says:

    It is weekend so it does not matter if she wears pyjamas or not…:lol: However, she seems to suck on her thumb which is a bad habit so you will get a 1 for this.

  3. Tienz Says:

    But the main question is: who won?? 😆

  4. KaNam Says:

    It was even ! We both won one game.

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