Review: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
As the books fly off the shelf, it’s only a short wait for the movie version, and I’m glad yet again for not reading this book. Yeah, people will say the books are better, but I still fail to see how several directors get to reduce good books to mediocre movies. The theory that the books are not so good to begin with is so much more feasible.
Already the fifth of the series, it’s doing quite a good job at lower expectations for the next chapter. This movie shows nothing new. Not in story, but also not on screen. Hiring a conventional TV director must have been a part of the equation, as there are no stunning visuals, or inventive camera work to be seen.
The story doesn’t feel like an adventure, and most characters are reduced to cameos. With the focus on Harry Potter, the inner struggle hasn’t changed, and hence, it utterly feels like a rehash of the previous movies. Not only that, with the darker visual texture, it’s still brightly clear this is a kiddy picture, with themes repeating themselves in a non-daring way. With only two more to go, I think I’m qualified enough to blame this cowardly trend not mainly on the directors, but on JK Rowling herself.6+.