How Messy is my Desk Today ?

Rate 1 (FR#^&% MESS !) to 5 (how very tidy !). Only rate the latest picture, otherwise I can’t keep track of the average.

Total: 1349 out of 441 votes > Average is: 3.059

desk pic
My last comment about this plant was that it was “unnaturally abnormally genetically enhanced unhealthy”. So I thought, you know, everyone is saying it, “physical exercice is good for ya !”. So I turned the pot 90 degrees everyday, and since it always grows towards the light, behold the curly neck ! Anywayz, too much of everything will kill ya, and see one already giving up. Let that be a lesson to all of ya.

One Response to “How Messy is my Desk Today ?”

  1. Qbix Says:

    awesome experiment dude .

    Grade 4

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