How Messy is it at my Work Today ?

Rate 1 (sucks) to 5 (cool). Only rate the latest pictures, otherwise I can’t keep track of the average.

Total: 805 out of 248 votes > Average is: 3.246

While I was working on the upper floor of the warehouse of our office, during an idle moment (and there aren’t many of those), I looked up and saw this…
work pic
…which got me thinking (since those are pretty sharp and long screws sticking out), if you are somewhere at a party at some industrial terrain where most building are made the same way, and your favorite past time is the same as Lionel Richie’s (which is dancing on the ceiling), better think twice, or even better, thrice, before actually doing it.

2 Responses to “How Messy is it at my Work Today ?”

  1. B. Says:

    The way I dance, it wouldn’t be a problem at all.

    I’m not grading by the way. This is cheating. Show me some desk!

  2. Tienz Says:

    Your work is really messy, but this time it isn’t because of you (or is it?).

    It looks like work from a beunhaas, so don’t take this personal: 1. 😥

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