How Messy is it at my Work Today ?

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Total: 786 out of 242 votes > Average is: 3.248

work pic

Click on the pic for a bigger picture !

This is the future PC of Bern, the guy who also bought a (stripped down) PC 2 years ago (click here for that post). This time, I didn’t even have to pull out my whole black mail arsenal, and I only twisted his arm half way to his back. Either my sales pitch got better, or he got smarter. Even better, it’s a FULL system now, up to today’s standards (though not the top range).
So, what do you see on the picture ? Well, while he never returned with the earlier system, you can never be too careful, so as usual, warranty void if any sticker is removed. But also added besides the usual chassis intrusion alarm are candle wax (even more reliable than the electronic chassis intrusion detection !) and a nicotine sensor, as smoking not only kills the person smoking it, but quickly downgrades even the most advance technology to its junkyard equivalent.
Also note the handwritten signature on the side panel. The value of this beast has now tripled (in case of selling it on eBay).Have fun Bern !

4 Responses to “How Messy is it at my Work Today ?”

  1. Constance Says:

    rofl! _O_

  2. Albi Says:

    Autographing our work are we? 😉

  3. B Says:


    Didn’t notice that, since I was lazy enough not to open the case on arrival at home. I trust thee completely.

    Make sure to abuse that in two years 😉

  4. Qbix Says:

    grade: 5

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