Words of Wisdom
Even though I don’t have my White Hair of Wisdom anymore (I used to shave it off, but that last time I pulled it out. I have faith it’ll be back within a year though), here are a few more lines of wise advice:
If you think I stole pencils and pens in my younger years (from the art classes I still have found no use for in the real world) just for sports or other petty purposes, think again. I saved them all, and now, for instance, the Steadler pencils (softness catagory 2B) are used by my lil’ niece to do her homework (writing exercises, currently at “vr” (as in vrij, vraag)). So, IF you ever think of stealing something, be responsible, save it for later, even if it’s 15 years later.
It’s about time some old sayings get updated. So I’ll throw in another wise one, as the “don’t take candy from strange men” is a bit outdated. What you should use more to warn the little ones is “Don’t start chatting with strange people unless a live webcam feed that can verify the appearance of the other side, with real-time checks (for instance, “wave now”, “stick out your tongue”) not exceeding a 10 seconds lag”.
September 12th, 2005 at 09:37
It’s too long.
they will not remember it.
But good saving on those pencils!
Your art teacher would be proud of ya 🙂
September 12th, 2005 at 21:35
September 18th, 2005 at 14:30
Is your niece also writing “st”, as in ‘stelen’ en ‘stout’ en ‘stom’?