How Messy is my Desk Today ?

Rate 1 (FR#^&% MESS !) to 5 (how very tidy !). Only rate the latest picture, otherwise I can’t keep track of the average.

Total: 1261 out of 409 votes > Average is: 3.083

desk pic
How patriotic is THAT ? Ridding the virtual world of scumbags in orange on tha Queen’s Day.

5 Responses to “How Messy is my Desk Today ?”

  1. Albi Says:

    All hail Kimputer 😉

  2. Bern Says:

    Oh damn, I forgot how kickass that screen was. Wowie. Nice chair too, got the same one here. All hail Ikea. But euhm.. not much to see on the desk today. So since I can’t make out if there’s a big mess on that table or not, I think I’ll cut you some slack and assume you have cleaned that table up. 3! (since I’m not entirely certain you actually did…)

  3. Mr T Says:

    Wow, cool, kick some royal ass…. Grade: 1.

  4. Tienz Says:

    You sat behind the computer on Queen’s Day?!?!?:shock: Definately a 1!:mad:

  5. Qbix Says:

    3 nice shot, but you are too close to tv.
    distance doesn’t hurt

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