Review: Grey’s Anatomy 101 – 105

ABC’s fortunes have quite changed this year, with slouching ratings going up and up due to hit series and lead out shows profiting along the way. This time it’s a mid-season replacement (effectively bumping Boston Legal to an early hiatus), Grey’s Anatomy. Not an entirely coincidental title, being a book (in its 39th edition already) that’s mandatory reading for medicine students, it’s a reference to the title character of this show. This show focuses mainly on Meredith Grey, a med intern, and her fellow colleagues in a fictional Seattle hospital. Of course we get to see the residents and the attendings, and their daily routines, which include sucking up to superiors, competing for surgical assisting spots and the effect of the crazy long working hours.
Stories don’t move as fast as E.R., but the series as a whole, also feels sluggish. Still, a few interesting things seem to be developing, so I’ll be sticking around. Let’s see if this series has the same longevity as its paper equivalent (the 38th edition lasted for 10 years).

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  1. wicked SHOW !! Says:


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