How Messy is Smart“’s my Desk Today ? (part two)

Rate 1 (FR#^&% MESS !) to 5 (how very tidy !). Only rate the latest picture, otherwise I can’t keep track of the average.

Just in case you did not read the title, this IS NOT MY DESK, this is from native Amsterdammer Smart“ (illegally inhabiting a municipality designated location for commercial activity).
Actually, it’s not a desk either, right now it’s kinda an extension of his desk (the basement underneath it), his future office space where millions will be earned by way of intellectuel property output in the form of machine code.
Except….right now you see BIG things in there, that even can’t get out of this crawl space in one piece. Guess those millions will have to wait till transporter technology becomes available.

Total: 10 out of 3 votes > Average is: 3.333

desk pic

2 Responses to “How Messy is Smart“’s my Desk Today ? (part two)”

  1. Smart`` Says:

    😳 I should have vacumed before you visited 😉

  2. B. Says:

    omg! VETTE MEETING! Maareh. 1! Geez. Kimpie, I take back al the 1’s I’ve given you the past month.

    Oh. Wait. Haven’t been here in a month.

    Too bad 🙂

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