How Messy is it at my Work Today ?

Rate 1 (sucks) to 5 (cool). Only rate the latest pictures, otherwise I can’t keep track of the average.

Total: 800 out of 246 votes > Average is: 3.252

With so few updates in this section, you might start to think I’m actually not working. How far from the truth can you get ?

work pic
Apparently, Smart“ bought himself a logo with a scarcely clothed lady silhouette (dare I even imagine it being an SM tool she’s holding in her hand ?).

3 Responses to “How Messy is it at my Work Today ?”

  1. Smart`` Says:


  2. Qbix Says:


  3. Tienz Says:

    I’ve seen better silhouettes of naked ladies en when she’s in this “Idols-pose” it’s even worse.

    But it hangs on the wall and because the grade is for tidiness: 5.

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