Really nothing going on, so let’s continue my obsessionist talk about breasts.
If the Janet Jackson “wardrobe malfunction” happened here with a Dutch lady, on Dutch TV, we’d either shrug it off or laugh out loud and move on. Not so in the States. There are the current consequences:
– Investigation by the FCC. Micheal Power, the current chairman ordered a “thorough and swift” investigation into this matter. Right, they’re gonna torture Janet so they can find out if she did it on purpose or not.
– Grammy line-up has been changed. Janet is not welcome back at the CBS studios (the Super Bowl was also aired by the CBS network) to sing during the show. Her male accomplice/suspect, a certain mr. J.T. is still scheduled to perform (dang, I could’ve replaced him easily y’know).
– MTV, who produced the NFL half time show, might lose its contract with CBS.
Then of course, you have all the concerned Women Groups blabalbalbaablabla pronograpshiblabalbalbal.
And all that, just because of a 30 nanosecond reveal of the most beloved part of the human body (in my mind). And also, this wouldn’t have happened if all those “important” people who find it so disgusting WOULD JUST STOP PRESSING PAUSE AND REWIND ON THEIR VCR !!!
(TiVo announced this was the most replayed moment in the history. Hah, didn’t know your hardware was being monitored eh ?)