My philosophy on life is, always have a backup of everything. By that, I mean, backup your data, have a backup bank account (with lotsa backup money, of course), distribute backup keys to your house, have backup tools with ya at all times (both meanings of it).
But also, you have to have loads and loads backup weapons. You never know when a friend will turn foe. So, to give you an understanding of what I mean, here’s an example of a backup weapon I have ready for regular Unreal Tournament buddy Albi. While he’s one of the most loyal visitor of these pages, you’ll still have to be ready for anything. So, if he even points slightly in the wrong direction, or if he blinks his eyes at the wrong interval, the next set of data will be on a Reuters journalist’s desk as fast as clogged up mail servers can deliver it.
(Points earned in several consecutive Unreal Tournament 2004 games)
So, you have any interesting thing you have backed up that I don’t know about (yet) ?