Archive for November, 2005

Review: A History of Violence

Friday, November 11th, 2005

Widely praised by the critics (maybe just because it’s David Cronenberg ?), I can only see half why. A long setup to establish the main characters usually promises something good to follow. But here, in the end, it feels kind of empty. While the acting is good, and shot with a suggestive feeling (thereby letting the viewer decide what’s really going on), the story takes on pretty normal turns and twist. Mix in a few horror inspired visuals for shock value, and minimise the importance of the psychological influences, and you have yourself a pretty standard movie. It’s still better than most of the current Hollywood flicks though.7+.

Review: The Corrs – Home

Tuesday, November 8th, 2005

It’s been only a year (since Borrowed Heaven), and already there’s a new album waiting. As the title suggest, home is really what this album feels like. Back to the roots where it all began, it’s Irish folklore all over. While I always thought it gave them a unique style, the loss of poppy tunes makes this album hard to swallow. With a few songs in their old native tongue (Gaelic, which will make you scratch your head trying to figure out what they’re singing), and a few ones you’ve already heard (Old Town, Haste to Wedding), it’s a bit hard to recommend this, with their previous album proving to have long legs, and the ones before even more so.5½.

US Box Office

Sunday, November 6th, 2005

Little Chicken is the title, but it’s pretty huge at the box office. Opening at a higher than expected $40.1 million, it shows Disney can do 3D animation well on its own (after parting ways with Pixar).
Another higher than expected surprise at number 2 is Jarhead, a based on true facts war movie starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Jamie Foxx, with $27.7 million.
This makes the Saw II a little bit blunt at number 3, with still an edgy $17.2 million income. The Legend of Zorro drops harder, and has to do with the fourth spot with a paltry $10 million. Rounding out the top 5 is Prime, with a lowly $5.3 million, but since it’s just a 18% drop from last week, it could be seen as something positive.

Review: Lord of War

Saturday, November 5th, 2005

Subtle mix of black comedy and light drama. The opening narration and introduction throws you off a bit, with seemingly no story line developing, but patience will pay off. While not sophisticated, characters are worked out decently, and it ends with a haunting message that will burn in your brains. 7½.

How Messy is it at my Work Today ?

Thursday, November 3rd, 2005

Rate 1 (sucks) to 5 (cool). Only rate the latest pictures, otherwise I can’t keep track of the average.

Total: 781 out of 241 votes > Average is: 3.241

work pic

Yupz, black is definitely the way to go these days. One batch down, one more to go.

US Box Office

Tuesday, November 1st, 2005

This weekend saw a one year horror surprise beat a 70+ year legend. Saw II (sequel from last year’s Saw) scared The Legend of Zorro to a second place opener. With a minimal budget ($4 million, over its original $1.5 million), horror flick manages to hack off a considerable amount of the total box office. With $30.5 million the saw proves a mightier weapon than Zorro’s sword, opening with a not so legendary $16.5 million.
Light comedy Prime opens at number 3 with $6.4 million (starring Uma Thurman and Meryl Streep), while the fourth spot is for second-week Dreamer: Inspired By A True Story, with $6.3 million. Rounding out the top 5 is Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit with $4.4, now totalling at a worthy $49.7 million.