Things that can go wrong…

So, today I ran outside, to catch my ride to work. Halfway through, the shocking thought reached me that I didn’t put gel in my hair. My hairdo isn’t that overly complex, but somehow it felt wrong.
Then halfway through the day I feel this headache coming up. Must be those late night Unreal Tournament sessions. Usually it means one or even two hours less sleep, which I don’t catch up on until the weekend. So, half functioning limping through the other half of the day, I finally got home after 18.00, for my well-deserved nap.
Around 21.30 it’s time to get up. Still a heavy head, but I couldn’t keep on sleeping. With a bad case of migraine I do sleep till morning, but this was a case of tiredness.
Then comes dinner. But it was the day I was supposed to get some groceries. So diner consisted of an orange, 2 Snickers ice cream bars, and a cup of Malaga ice cream.
So, the moral of the story ? No matter how strong you are, no matter how many asses you kick in UT, it always catches up with you (and in the worst case, as you have noticed, it takes half a day from your life). Ah well, almost weekend.