
I hereby, proudly present another weblog I’m hosting. So, that will be the second weblog I’m hosting for a XX chromosomed human being (at the rate it’s currently going, I might attract a specimen that’s actually still single, within a decade !). And while rescuing a damsel in distress doesn’t earn you bragging rights, I’m doing it anyway.
I actually had to battle a few others, but I got through the gruelling elimination process with flying colors. The intimidations and below the belt tricks the other contestants had to endure were fierce and intense, and I had to execute them all ! All that for a job I’m doing for free !
Anyways, take a look at Tienz’ Weblog (even though she probably doesn’t want you to see it yet). I know it’s still very under construction, but if you see something wrong with it, she’s probably pulling her hair off one by one, trying to fix the error as quickly as possible. It’s still fun though, for us, to see a weblog in development.

Happy 0’st anniversary, Tienz !