
So, my ADSL modem is havin’ hickups. For today, that means almost a whole day where my server is not reachable from anywhere except home. More detailed it means:
– Webserver down. My weblog can’t be read, a lot of laughs are lost to, well, uhmm… paradox. Never mind.
– Sites I host for other people are down. They don’t pay anyways, I don’t really care.
– Statistics I keep for some people are not recorded.
– Terminal Server down, can’t play around on my own server. No such things as downloading stuff that will be ready when I get home. No irc, no logs.
– Mail server down. Serves as both backup for other email addresses, as well as direct incoming ones. Bandwidth friendly IMAP or webbased, straight to my work.
– Backup line, unfirewalled, as double check on internet matter like DNS and availibility, checking VPN’s and such. This is actually work related.

So, all day, I practically did nothing at work. Don’t you just love the times we live in ?