Review: The Stepford Wives

Luckily, these days, you don’t see many satires. This is one of a few, and it’s an ultra-light version (maybe it has something to do with the aging Frank Oz). It’s so light, it barely touches any ground. And when it touches the ground, it’s about simple matters you wouldn’t spend 2 seconds of thought on. The story itself holds no surprises either, even a child could tell you what will happen next. Then again, the child will be fast asleep, as the tediousness kicks in. With no thrills whatsoever, and no jokes to spare, the only thing left to do is look around you, trying to figure out if this weak piece of motion picture evokes any unpredicted response in an elderly’s clogged up heart. That said, there weren’t any 80+ people in the theatre, but they would probably the only ones to enjoy this soulless satire.4-.