Review: Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life

The cradle is empty. Trust me on that one. Everything coming from Jan de Bont since 1996 has essentially been, nicely put, crap. One of course does not dare to be so harsh, but three strikes, and yerrrr out (this one with The Haunting, and Speed 2). Lara Croft still is the same one dimensional character, and the old and new characters surrounding her are half dimensional at best. Having a huge budget, somehow that must have disappeared somewhere else than the movie. There are second rank background replacements, running at a different framerate, besides the already choppy integration with the foreground. There are also the closed set action scenes that are too obviously set in a … well, closed set. And blue screen sequences have never been easier to spot. An uninteresting story with and some chases to yawn at, leaves you two hours shorter a life. A third part, with an even longer title, would be a mistake better buried deeper than the Cradle of Life itself.5+.