Review: In the Cut

Labeled as an erotic mysterious crime thriller, it’s none of the above. From the very beginning, it’s nothing but dialogue that makes no sense. The director doesn’t know which direction to shoot, and hence, all the scenes and events happening don’t make much sense either. After 30 minutes, it starts getting on your nerves, and you just don’t care anymore. The basic storyline is simple at best, and they try to “thicken” it with the aforementioned nonsense dialogue. But put simple and shit together, and you end up with shit. The clues for the mystery and thriller part are too obvious and guessed within seconds when in sight. Cartoons in the newspaper cut, shifted, and pasted together have more coherence then this whole movie. So, a low grade, but then higher, for all the full frontals of Meg Ryan. Yeah, I can appreciate that.3.